Welcome to the Elite Academy
International Academy of WingChun
The Licence-Free WingChun Organisation
The Elite Academy, IAW, with its branch of traditional WingChun, offers the
Trust Program for
Certification and Authorisation
Get Your Technician, Master or Sifu Certificate
Worldwide shipping of WingChun Technician, Master and Sifu Certificates, confirmed by the International Academy of WingChun.
Would you like to run your own WingChun Academy?
Don't ask for permission. Request your certification and start.
You don't have to learn a new WingChun Style.
Train and teach what you have learnt.
We can even replace your old certificates from other organisations.
It's that simple.
Your Freedom is starting today.
- Your Career begins with the 1st TG
- No Licences
- No Fees
- No Restrictions
- No Levies
- Free use of the Logo
- Own Production and Distribution of Training Wear
- Use of own Certificates for Student Level Examinations
Our simple rules:
- Instructors with the 1st TG (IAW) are authorised to run a WingChun Academy in the name of the IAW and to use the logos.
- Instructors with the 2nd TG (IAW) or higher examine all Student Levels independently.
- Instructors with the 3rd TG (IAW) or higher examine lower Technician Grades (see Authorisation Level on page Certificates).
- The heads of the WingChun Academies work completely autonomously. No monthly licence costs, no annual fees.
- Only the certified nomination, after entering the Technician Grade stage, is subject to the IAW (see page Certificates).
Depending on whether you want to train traditional WingChun or innovative S.A.T or teach the respective arts as an instructor. On the first pages of this homepage you will find your unique opportunity to apply for your TG or MD Graduation in the name of the International Academy of WingChun. Graduation as a 1st TG already authorises you to run a WingChun Academy independently. On the following pages you will find opportunities to train S.A.T or become an S.A.T instructor.
In order to preserve traditional WingChun, the International Academy of WingChun became a Licence-Free Elite Organisation in 2024. Some of our instructors have continued to teach WingChun since the changeover in 2020. I would like to wholeheartedly support this honourable task, which, after long deliberation, led to this new possibility of continuation.
Dai Sifu
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Sifu K. Brand
Mecklenburgische Str. 48
14197 Berlin
E-Mail: grandmaster@wingchun.international
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Sifu K. Brand
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